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Teaching Resources

Schedules, Office Hours and Course Syllabus

Each semester, faculty members should provide their departmental offices with copies of their schedule of classes and office hours. Where possible, they should also post this information outside their office door. Each semester all teachers or coordinators of undergraduate or graduate courses should distribute to their students, within the first week of class, a syllabus for each course that includes the academic requirements; a summary or outline of the course; and attendance expectations, grading policies and standards, and any other requirements. A statement that reflects the University’s Faculty Teaching, Research, and Service commitment to social justice is recommended. Chairpersons are urged to collect current copies of each syllabus, which should be kept in departmental files and available to interested students. Additionally, faculty are required to post syllabi on the College "H-drive."

eSEI: Electronic Student Evaluation of Instruction


The College requires that faculty administer, in each class taught, the University Student Evaluation Instruction. Some of the questions are selected by the University, some by the College, and some by the Department. The instructor has the option of selecting certain questions as well. eSEI’s are one measure of teaching effectiveness – they are by no means the only measure.

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