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M. Paula Fitzgerald, Ph.D.

M. Paula Fitzgerald, Ph.D.

Nathan Haddad Professor of Business Administration


304-293-7959Paula.Fitzgerald@mail.wvu.edu6105Reynolds Hall View Curriculum Vitae


M. Paula Fitzgerald, Ph.D.

Nathan Haddad Professor of Business Administration

Professor, Marketing


Dr. M. Paula Fitzgerald is the Nathan Haddad Professor of Business Administration at West Virginia University. She received her PhD in marketing from the University of South Carolina and her undergraduate degree, also in marketing, from the University of Alabama.

Dr. Fitzgerald’s current work focuses on consumer power and access in the marketplace, usually with a marketing and public policy lens. Her research includes the impact of state and federal religious freedom regulations on consumer access to products and services, understanding the lay and formal theory behind the healthcare debate, and identifying the best consumer strategies to resolve complaints about financial institutions. 

She serves on the Editorial Review Boards of Journal of Public Policy & Marketing and Journal of Consumer Affairs.  Dr. Fitzgerald is the faculty liaison for the nationally-recognized West Virginia University Center of Excellence in Women’s Health, an expert organization in rural women’s health.


  • Ph.D., Marketing, University of South Carolina
  • B.S., Marketing, University of Alabama

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