Nancy McIntyre, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
304-293-4056Nancy.McIntyre@mail.wvu.eduRemoteReynolds Hall
Nancy McIntyre, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Nancy McIntyre's research interests include curiosity, self concept-based motivation, emotional intelligence, and perfectionism. Her publications have appeared in textbooks and numerous professional journals and conference proceedings including Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Journal of Psychology, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Managerial Issues, Management Decisions, International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, Organizational Dynamics, and Business Case Journal. Her publications have received numerous awards, including Best Paper awards from the Academy of Strategic and Organizational Leadership Journal and the National Academy of Management.
Dr. McIntyre has traveled extensively with students (China, Germany, & Italy) and has received teaching awards for her courses including an Innovation in Leadership of Business Education Award from the International Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), an award for Outstanding Service Learning Course from West Virginia University, Business Professor of the Year and the Dean’s Teaching Award from the University of Evansville. She served for two years as a Campus Compact Fellow for the state of Indiana.
- Ph.D., Business Administration, University of Rhode Island
- M.S., Marketing, University of Illinois
- B.S., Illinois State University