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Why Become a Chambers Peer Mentor?

Becoming a Chambers Peer Mentor goes beyond enhancing your resume—it's a journey of growth. Mentors testify to its transformative impact, from boosting confidence in public speaking to refining leadership styles. Through this program, mentors embrace authenticity, overcome fears, and find their true potential while shaping future leaders. Join us and discover the power of mentorship in shaping both your own path and the paths of others. Read on for  firsthand experiences of how the Chambers Peer Mentor program has shaped personal and professional growth.

"This mentorship experience has exceeded all my expectations. Initially, I perceived it as a resume booster, that also came with an opportunity to enhance my leadership skills. However, it has proven to be much more valuable, enabling me to cultivate skills and connections that go beyond the impact of a few lines on a resume."

"I can really credit the Chambers Peer Mentor program for turning me into the leader I am today. Although there is so much more I can learn and there are so many more ways I can develop further, this program has given me a firm foundation to keep building."

"My role as a Chambers Peer Mentor helped me improve in a lot of ways not just as a leader but also in a lot of personal ways. Two of the biggest aspects of personal growth that I have seen come from being a Chambers Peer Mentor are public speaking and relationship building. I have always been nervous to get in front of new people and talk, but this role pushed me out of my comfort zone a little and I have seen major improvements in just this semester. I have also never been the best at forming new relationships or friendships. This role allowed me to refine and expand my relationship-building skills, which I will use in upcoming internships and future jobs."

"Working alongside all of these fellow peer mentors has done nothing but enable me to grow more comfortable as a leader and more confident that we can all leave some sort of footprint before we leave Morgantown as students."


"I was inspired to mentor because someone mentored me. Someone believed in me and what I could be. And I owe it to my mentees to believe in them and in what they can be with hopes of them being of impact to somebody else, too."

"now I understand that being a “good leader” isn’t achievable in that perfectionist sense. Instead, I strive to be a leader who is better than the leader I was yesterday. I have adapted my leadership style to evolve from perfectionist to gradual improvement to reach a constant pace. That means that rather than expecting 100% from myself daily, I set realistic expectations and raise them or lower them accordingly without compromising my ability to meet my responsibilities."

"This experience has shown me that you do not have to be in total control of people or situations to be a good leader. As a former high academic achiever in high school, I was a constant perfectionist that needed the assignment to be absolutely perfect before turning it in. This mentality of absolute perfectionism left me burnt out, unfulfilled, and prideless in my work. This experience with peer mentorship has shown that I do not have to be in full control of a project or a group to make something outstanding."

"This was easily my most productive semester when it comes to finding who I really am. This was very unusual for me to attempt something like (the Chambers Peer Mentorship Program), but I’m not only happy that I did it but also proud of how it’s all turned out."

"I've overcome the fear of being myself. It’s ok to let others know that you aren’t perfect, and in my opinion, I appreciate those who show their world isn’t always exactly what others believe it to be. I attempt to lead by example, I attempt to be genuine, and I expect the same from my mentees. I think this mindset has contributed a lot to my success so far."

"The peer mentorship role has completely exceeded my expectations. I feel more comfortable speaking in class, approaching students, engaging in conversation, and being myself."

"Being a part of the Chambers Peer Mentor program helped shape me into a better leader and mentor for others. For someone who is interested in becoming a stronger leader, I highly recommend applying for the CPM program. I had leadership experience in the past, but having more hands-on experience helped a lot. This opportunity helped build and strengthen my skills which will benefit me in the future. I was able to apply my experience to my mentees to help guide them on the right path."

pointing at computer

"The peer mentorship program has already done more for me than I imagined it would. It has been a talking point in each interview I’ve had since, and it has incredibly improved my confidence when speaking. I’m glad that I took this leap and that I was selected for this program. I can see what it’s providing for me now and what it will continue to provide me in the future."

"I want to show how grateful I am for the experience during my time as a mentor. Each minute in the classroom made me feel like I was making a difference."

“After being (at Chambers) for three years, now as a peer mentor it is amazing to see just how much the college truly does for the students. The school takes way more steps to help their students than I could’ve possibly realized, and they do a lot more behind the scenes that I had no idea about.”

“Not only do peer mentors get to help other students, but they also get to work on professional development at a level they cannot get inside the usual classroom. Becoming a peer mentor teaches students how to push themselves to new levels in the business and leadership world.”

in class

"I have always spoken very highly of Chambers and the peer mentor program, but after having been a mentor and seeing what actually goes into the program I realize that I have not been speaking highly enough. Having now been involved in Chambers as a peer mentor I recognize that the commitment Chambers has to its students follows them from the moment they tour the campus to the moment they graduate. I have realized during my time working with the college that they do ten times what I initially thought they did. The amount of thought and care that goes into make sure every student has a home at WVU is astronomical. I genuinely do not think Chambers could do any more to assist their students.”

“The journey of being a CPM has been nothing short of a rollercoaster, a whirlwind of growth and discovery. It’s been about more than just leadership – it’s been a crash course in empathy, adaptability, and overcoming my own fears, especially when it comes to public speaking. I’ve learned that leadership is not a fixed set of rules but a blend of listening, encouragement, and finding unique ways to inspire others. I had never heard leadership be described this way until my Introduction to Management class I took my sophomore year at WVU. That class taught me how to act as a leader in a professional setting, and being a peer mentor allowed me to learn how to use those skills in real life.”

“I believe that looking at problems from the perspective of my diverse group of mentees actually helped me look at my own problems from different perspectives.”.