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Plan of Study and 
Areas of Emphasis

Our DBA program has been meticulously designed to provide you with a strong foundation in research, an in-depth exposure to business literature, and a supportive environment to foster impactful research through faculty guidance and mentorship. With a completion timeline of three years, our program offers efficiency without compromising quality. The program consists of 53 credit hours, divided into 17 credit hours in research methods, 16 credit hours in content seminars, and 20 credit hours in research and dissertation.

To be eligible for consideration for the Executive DBA program applicants must:

  • Have a minimum of 5 years of work experience.
  • Have a Master’s degree in business, communications, media management or other related field from an accredited college or university. If you do not have a master’s degree, we offer  accelerated Master’s to DBA options. 

To be eligible for admission into Accounting, you must:

  • Have a minimum of 5 years of work experience.
  • Have a Master’s degree or equivalent from an accredited college or university. For students who do not possess a Master’s degree, an accelerated Master’s to DBA-A program is available.

To be eligible for admission into Economics, Management, and Marketing, you must:

  • Have a minimum of 5 years of work experience.
  • Have a Master’s degree or equivalent from an accredited college or university. For students who do not possess a Master’s degree, an accelerated Master’s to DBA program is available.

DBA Core Classes

  • BADM 700 Statistics Bootcamp
  • BADM 701 Research Methods 1 – Introduction to Regression
  • BADM 702 Research Methods 2 – Cross Section Data Analysis
  • BADM 703 Research Methods 3 – Experimental Methods
  • BADM 704 Research Methods 4 – Causal Inference
  • BADM 705 Research Methods 5 – Non Cross Section Data Analysis
  • BADM 706 Ethics, Diversity, and Inclusion for Business
  • BADM 707 Business Pedagogy
  • BADM 797 Research/Dissertation

Accounting Area of Emphasis

In the Accounting emphasis, students gain a deep understanding of accounting areas such as financial reporting, analytics, forensic accounting, systems, managerial accounting, taxation and auditing, enabling them to make informed financial decisions and manage risks effectively. You will receive one-on-one mentorship from our research-active faculty who are thought-leaders in their fields. Graduates will be well-equipped with accounting research knowledge and skills to take on new challenges of an academic or research career.

Accounting AoE Course List

  • BADM 710 Introduction to Accounting Research
  • BADM 711 Behavioral Accounting Research

Choose a track

  • Applied Professional Research Track
    • BADM 713 Introduction to Applied Professional Accounting
    • BADM 714 Advanced Professional Accounting Research
  • Academic Research Intensive Track
    • BADM 715 Accounting Academic Research Intensive
    • BADM 716 Advanced Academic Accounting Research

Economics Area of Emphasis

The Economics area of emphasis focuses on training students to conduct applied microeconomic research using the theories and methods most applicable to public policy.  The focus on public finance, public choice, regional economics and labor will prepare students to conduct hiqh-quality research applicable to jobs in academia, consulting, government, or think tanks.

Economics AoE Course List

  • BADM 721 Public Finance
  • BADM 722 Labor Economics
  • BADM 723 Public Choice
  • BADM 724 Regional Economics

Management Area of Emphasis

The management emphasis is comprised of two primary streams of research: 1) organizational behavior and human resource management and 2) strategy and entrepreneurship. Students in the management AOE explore employee performance and the factors that influence behavior in the workplace, leadership strategies and approaches for motivating employees, and strategic management processes including alliances, competitive dynamics, and technology and innovation. 

Students in the management emphasis will receive one-on-one mentorship from a scholarly academic, research-active mentor. This provides students with the support needed to develop novel research ideas and independent research skills. Upon completion of the program students will be prepared to assume executive leadership roles as well as adjunct teaching roles at colleges and universities.

Management AoE Course List
  • BADM 730 Organizational Behavior
  • BADM 731 Strategy 1
  • BADM 732 Strategy 2
  • BADM 733 Leadership

Marketing Area of Emphasis

WVU’s rigorous and transformative DBA in Marketing program provides marketing professionals and academics the opportunity to pursue the pinnacle of academic achievement. Through our core marketing courses, you will deepen your knowledge about important marketing topics, such as consumer behavior, marketing strategy, B-to-B marketing, international marketing, and brand management. You will receive one-on-one mentorship from our research-active faculty who are thought-leaders in their fields. Graduates will be well-equipped with marketing knowledge and skills to take on new challenges in their career in marketing industry, consulting or academia.

Marketing AoE Course List

  • BADM 741 Interfirm Relationships
  • BADM 742 Marketing Management
  • BADM 743 Consumer Behavior
  • BADM 744 Marketing Strategy