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Terminology and FAQ

Academic Standing Terminology

Students can review academic standing codes in the table below. A student’s academic standing is posted in Degreeworks under the Worksheet header column. The code designates whether a student is in good academic standing, on academic probation or on academic suspension. Academic standing is updated at the end of each regular term.

Academic Notice

At the end of any regular term (Fall and Spring), any student with an overall grade point average (GPA) below a 2.0 for the first time will be on academic notice. Every student placed on academic notice must enter into a contract (academic standing agreement) with their college, school, or branch campus (i.e., Potomac State College, WVU Institute of Technology). Once the student completes their contract, they must fulfill all the conditions of the agreement. If the student falls below an overall GPA of 2.0 for the second time and beyond during any regular term, the student will be on Probation.

Academic Probation

Every student placed on academic probation must enter into a contract with their college, school or branch campus (i.e., Potomac State College, WVU Institute of Technology). Once the student completes their contract, they must fulfill all the conditions of the agreement. If the student fulfills the terms of the contract and is suspended after the regular term, they can take part in the academic suspension appeal process outlined below.

Academic Suspension

Students who have had an overall GPA below 2.0 for three regular terms (consecutive or not) after initial admission are placed on suspension. Suspended students should refer to the University’s official suspension guide.

What does it mean to not be in good academic standing?  

A student with an overall grade point average (GPA) below 2.0 will be placed on academic notice or academic probation and may be subject to suspension. Read the entire policy on WVU's catalog website. Any current student on academic notice or probation can raise their overall GPA to avoid academic suspension.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Do I need to be a full-time student to participate in the academic mindset for success programs?
No, ASCs in the Chambers College meet with undergraduate students enrolled in any number of credits.

Am I able to enroll in the program in the summer?
Academic Success Consultants are available at no additional cost year-round.

Which topics will be covered in a session?
Any array of topics can be covered depending on your concerns. The commonly discussed topics covered in consultation include time management, procrastination, SMART GOAL setting, and campus resources to name a few.

I always do well in my classes. How can academic consultations help me?
Consultations can help you to stay accountable, create academic and personal goals, and receive continued encouragement and support.

What can I expect when I come in for my consultation? 
In-person Academic Success Consultations 

When you arrive at the Undergraduate Programs Office, you will first check-in at the sign in Kiosk in the front reception area. A staff member will come and meet you. Together, you and an Academic Success Consultant will discuss the strategies you currently utilize, and your current and future goals. Together the two of you will work on creating an action plan to help you reach your goals and be more successful. You may also receive information, referrals, and relevant handout(s). 

Are virtual sessions available?

How do I schedule an Academic Success Consultation?
If you are required to complete ASCs, you will be assigned an ASC a week before classes start. You may call or email them at any time. If you are opting into this service, please email Mr. Micah Reed at 

What do I need to bring to my consultation? 
To optimize the time in your academic consultation, be sure to bring any questions you may have about your academic success and any other items that may be relevant to setting up a plan for your success. This may include your syllabus for each class, a planner or calendar, recent notes, or study sheets you have made, or other materials from your courses. For virtual consultations, it will also be helpful to have these same materials available as you work with your consultant to come up with an action plan for success. 

If I have an in-person consultation, how do I get to the Undergraduate Programs Office? 
The Success Consultation Team is in Reynolds Hall on the second floor in the Office of Undergraduate Programs and Advising in Suite 2200.

I still have questions that are not addressed here. 
Please contact Micah Reed at or call 304-293-6579.