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Diversity In Action: Dariane Drake

Dear Chambers College family:

In response to racial injustices that have led to the death of far too many in the Black community, the Chambers College Diversity, Inclusion, Culture, and Equity (DICE) committee has developed a list of actionable initiatives that we are moving forward to better our community. While the long-term list is growing as our learning expands around diversity and inclusion, the committee is actively working on the implementation of five initiatives during this academic year:

The Brief: Welcome Home, Business Students!

Even though the first day of class looked different this year, we stayed strong and made it through. Everyone at Chambers College is doing their part to keep you and your classmates safe, and we hope you are too.&

Now that you have been introduced to your classes (whether in-person or online), schedule time in your calendar to study and keep virtual event reminders on your phone so you never miss a beat.

The Brief: Tie Optional, Mask Mandatory

This year, WVU is hosting the virtual event series “Refresh” in replace of the traditional Welcome Week. 

Our Chambers College Dean, Javier Reyes, and Marketing Teaching Assistant and BCOR Professor, Dr. Susan Lantz, will welcome our incoming business freshman on Wednesday, August 19 at 3 – 4:00 p.m. If you’re a first-time freshman, register here. 

The Refresh Student Activities Series will also include virtual events ranging from Mountaineer’s Favorite Place on Campus, Online Group Fitness, Carruth Center Sessions (our University’s free mental health clinic), Adventure WV Explorations and more! 

Chambers Ambassadors 
Our Chambers Ambassadors are a select group of upperclassmen who embody both the spirit of a Mountaineer and a business student. 

Not only do these students know the in’s and out's of our campus, but they can also help you learn more about specific business majors, minors, student organizations, and College events. 

Peer Mentorship Program 
Our Peer Mentorship program is a new initiative this fall and is compiled of upperclassmen with a variety of majors. 

Chambers Peer Mentors are student leaders who assist first-semester freshmen with their transition to college life as a business student at WVU, by sharing their knowledge, skills and perspectives. Peer Mentors will attend BCOR 191 courses this semester and the students in their assigned section will be their mentees.

West Virginia University’s Center for Financial Literacy & Education Hosts 18th Annual Finance University Conference

This summer, West Virginia University’s Center for Financial Literacy & Education (CFLE) and Next Gen Personal Finance hosted the 18th Annual Finance University for primary and secondary educators throughout the state, as well as neighboring counties.

Finance U – a free professional development conference – is geared towards educators who focus on financial literacy topics in the subject areas of civics, business and math.

WVU professors team up with leading industry experts to guide organizations’ transformation to digital supply networks in new book

MORGANTOWN, W.Va.— The COVID-19 pandemic has tested and disrupted global supply chains like never before, forcing companies across all industrial sectors to evolve at a rapid pace by adopting new technologies and transitioning towards digital supply networks.

In light of this, companies around the world are facing a similar challenge — adapt or be left behind.

Dakota Wolfe

Coming to WVU as a First Gen student was very intimidating at first, but my BCOR 199 Professor Suzan Lantz takes the "Mountaineers Go First!" motto to heart and has all of her class go on mini adventures, and these adventures allowed me to take hold of countless opportunities! I joined the club for my major Management Information Systems Association(MISA) and even tried running for President, I didn't get it, but the thought is what counts. This little leap of faith helped me make upperclassmen friends that I will actually be working with post Graduation! With that being said, I contacted the very first person I met of my WVU family Rachel Nieman, and she helped get me in contact with a great job working at the B&E IT department as well as let me know about B&E Student Ambassador program openings.

Dakota WolfeThe B&E IT Department opened me up to every department of the B&E and even allowed me to know many of the Administration on a more personal level, such as Dean Reyes and Associate Dean Peace. This involvement stoked my want for more adventures, so the spring of freshman year I took advantage of the WVU Outdoor rec center, and went kayaking around the Florida keys meeting even more students from around campus and making more friends.Sophomore Year, led to me snagging a Website master position within MISA, and fully taking part within the B&E Ambassador program! This led to countless dinners and events with Administration and key figures that have come to B&E. The student Ambassador program also led to me running for and wining one of the two College Representative positions within Student Government Association(SGA)! Here I met my partner Daniel, and ended up with the both of us signing up for the study abroad trip through the B&E to India for two weeks! This was the first pilot trip to the region, so again " Mountaineers Go First!". Luckily, many of the MISA friends I made freshman year were also coming on this trip, so the experience ended up being a blast!

Kaitlyn Cline

During my time as a Chambers College undergraduate, I was very involved in both business and special interest organizations. I served as a Chambers Ambassador for three years where I discovered my love for recruitment. I completed a research project for Dean Reyes with the help of other Chambers Ambassadors in order to identify needs and suggest new ideas to make the Chambers College even better for our students. With the help of Dr. Suzanne Kitchen, I participated in two case competitions— Peoples Bank in Marietta, Ohio and SHRM in Bridgeport, West Virginia—that allowed me to improve upon my critical thinking and public speaking skills. In 2019, I studied abroad in China with 15 other Chambers students, Dr. Li Wang, and Dr. Mike Walsh that provided hands-on exposure to international business relations. Most recently, I assisted Dr. Suzanne Kitchen as her service-learning teaching assistant for MANG 480 Corporate Social Responsibility where we distributed a grant of $10,000 to 8 area non-profit organizations.

Outside of the Chambers College, I was a member of “The Pride of West Virginia” Mountaineer Marching Band where I served as a woodwind rank leader and piccolo section leader. During my time in The Pride, I represented West Virginia University and our great state of West Virginia in numerous performances at home football games, bowl game trips, numerous high school exhibitions, many area festivals, and most notably the 2016 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Additionally, I served as treasurer and committee chair of the Kappa Lambda chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota, a music service fraternity.

Resilient and Ready: Chambers College Graduates Prepare to Take on a Changed World

On Saturday, May 16, 630 graduates from the John Chambers College of Business and Economics heard virtual words of inspiration from West Virginia University leaders, including President Gordon Gee Clay Marsh Meshea Poore and a charge to have the courage to take risks and fail from their College’s namesake, John Chambers

This crop of graduates will continue to navigate a historic journey, as they aspire to change a world that has been fundamentally changed by a global pandemic – an unexpected crisis that will uniquely prepare them for the future.