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Hall prepares for new academic year with new leaders, associate dean team reorganization

Josh Hall is preparing for a new academic year that will signal the official start of his deanship by strategically aligning his leadership team to provide focus to core operational areas: graduate programs, undergraduate programs, outreach and innovation and research.

Hall was announced as the next Milan Puskar Dean June 16 when Javier Reyes was named as the next provost and vice president of Academic Affairs at the University of Illinois-Chicago. Reyes begins his next chapter at UIC Aug. 16, the same day that Hall will assume his role as dean. Reyes and Hall are working closely together to ensure a smooth leadership transition.

Mountain State money moves: WVU’s Finance University spreads financial literacy statewide

MORGANTOWN, W.VA—Young people entering college or the workforce are navigating an increasingly complex economic landscape. Beyond the basics of money management, they must understand fintech, alternative investments and entrepreneurship. To address this need, West Virginia University will host its 19th annual Finance University for primary and secondary teachers so they can bring advanced financial literacy skills back to their classrooms.

From July 18 to 22, educators in West Virginia and neighboring counties who teach math, business and civics will visit Morgantown for this immersive professional development conference organized by the John Chambers College of Business and EconomicsCenter for Financial Literacy and Education, directed by Amy Pridemore.