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Resilient and Ready: Chambers College Graduates Prepare to Take on a Changed World

On Saturday, May 16, 630 graduates from the John Chambers College of Business and Economics heard virtual words of inspiration from West Virginia University leaders, including President Gordon Gee Clay Marsh Meshea Poore and a charge to have the courage to take risks and fail from their College’s namesake, John Chambers

This crop of graduates will continue to navigate a historic journey, as they aspire to change a world that has been fundamentally changed by a global pandemic – an unexpected crisis that will uniquely prepare them for the future.

The Force is With You

This week kicked off the first full week of Star Wars style, of course!

Not only is the force with you, but your Chambers College family is also behind you every step of the way. 

A Word of Encouragement

As a West Virginia University Mountaineer, there are several big “first” moments as an undergrad: the PRT ride, a football game as a Mountaineer Maniac, a selfie with President E. Gordon Gee, and singing Country Roads together in the Coliseum at graduation. 

However, due to COVID-19, this year’s graduation looks a little different for our seniors.

The Home Stretch

While this semester was not how you imagined it to be, you changed your daily routine and found a new way to continue your education...from home. 

Not only did your environment change, but you also left your friends and began learning online. You traded lecture halls for Zoom meetings, your business attire into pajama pants (we all did), and lunch in the Mountainlair to a quick walk to your kitchen.