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The Force is With You

The Force is With You

The Force ⚔️

Dean reyes holding a Star Wars mug   

This week kicked off the first full week of Star Wars style, of course!

Not only is the force with you, but your Chambers College family is also behind you every step of the way. 

It wasn’t the spring semester we had all hoped for, but you made online learning look easy. You participated in numerous Zoom meetings, took multitasking to another level and made it through with several cups of coffee.

However, you didn’t do it alone. Your family was there to encourage you through the semester and your friends were there to chat when you needed to vent. Plus, West Virginia University’s IT department was there when your computer acted up and your professors were there changing homework and weekly assignments to fit into an online format. 

This week is also #TeacherAppreciationWeek, so take the time to thank those professors who were there for you and helped you get through these uncertain times.

Whether you reach out personally or thank them on social media, let them know you appreciate them and that you will never forget your 2020 Spring semester. 

We won’t forget about this pandemic but, most importantly, we won’t forget about you. You persevered and you’ve made it to the finish line, so take a deep breath and cross over to the next chapter. We have a feeling it’s going to be bright! 

Tips for Success 

A few helpful tips and reminders from your Chambers College family, and West Virginia University, to get you through finals week:

  • You’re currently in your final week of the spring semester (you did it!). As a reminder, West Virginia University’s final exams will run through Sunday, May 10. Exams will be held on Saturdays (May 2 and 9) and make-up exams will be on Sundays (May 3 and 10). Your final grades will be available by May 15. Keep in mind that there will be a daily lockdown period on eCampus from 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. each day, except on Sundays. 

  • It may be the final week of the semester, but that doesn’t make it any easier. If you are feeling overwhelmed and would like to talk to someone, please use the Crisis Text Line through West Virginia University’s Carruth Center. It’s free, confidential and available 24/7!

  • Are you registered for a summer course or have questions about the fall semester? Check out our Chambers College Student Resource page to see if we can provide you with answers or use the form to submit your questions. You can also contact your academic advisor with course or scheduling concerns. 

  • Have questions about new internships or job opportunities, or would like help with virtual interview prep? Our Center for Career Development is still available! Contact the CCD today at

  • We want to make sure you view every path in front of you and that’s why we offer unique graduate programs to meet our students where they are. If you’re considering graduate school or you’d like to learn more, please reach out to our Graduate Admissions and Recruitment Director, Joey Vandevender, at  

  • Are you on social media? (Of course you are!) Make sure you’re following Chambers College for recent news and updates from us and the University!

Best Dressed Grad Cap

Calling all Chambers College graduating seniors: we’re hosting a graduation cap decorating contest! While participation is not required, it’s encouraged! Faculty and staff members within our College will judge, and the winning cap will be announced on our social channels by May 20. 

All you need to do is: 

  • Decorate your cap (inappropriate caps will be disqualified)

  • Tell us why you chose to decorate it the way you did 

  • Share it on social and tag us at @wvuchambers by May 13

Remember: have fun! We can’t wait to see your creativity! 

Let’s Go...Graduate! 

Supporting Students

The West Virginia University Foundation is working to provide need-based financial support with the Gray Student Emergency Fund to help students, and their families, meet basic needs and proceed with studies amid these uncertain times. 

Established in 2013 by retired Student Life Vice President Ken Gray and his wife, Carolyn, the Emergency Fund provides financial assistance to current WVU students who experience a sudden financial hardship that could prevent them from continuing their education or otherwise impact their success at WVU.

If you’re a student whose life has been altered due to COVID-19 pandemic, and you’re worried about how you will pay for housing and education in the coming months, please reach out to your advisors. 

WVU leaders are working with officials in each academic unit to identify students in need and ensure available funds are awarded strategically for maximum impact.

We hear you and we are here to help!

Count Us In ✔️

Have you taken the West Virginia Census? What are you waiting for? 

If you are a WVU student, you count in West Virginia ... even if you're from out of state!

The 2020 Census is safe and secure, and just takes a few minutes to complete. 

Help us shape the future. Visit and complete it today!

Chambers College