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Let's Talk Business: Hospitality Club Adventures

Have you ever gotten to go to an indoor waterpark on an experiential learning trip? What about a “career in sports” night with MLB professionals? How about a resort with a holiday feast and a jazz performance?

Well, the WVU Hospitality Club gets to do all this and more!

Let's Talk Business: Why the Center for Career Development Should be in Your Resource Toolkit

As a first-generation college student, I came into college not knowing what I wanted to do with my future or how to set myself up for professional success. On my own, this felt like an impossible mountain to climb, but the Center for Career Development made this process much more manageable and rewarding than I could have imagined.

The CCD helps Chambers College students discover career opportunities that align with their interests and goals. Through tailored experiences and programs, it can enhance your career readiness and sets them up to land their first internship or full-time position.