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$1M estate gift from late Mylan co-founder supports students through collaborative learning space in WVU Reynolds Hall

A $1 million estate gift from Mylan co-founder and global entrepreneur  Donald Panoz  will champion continued entrepreneurship and experiential learning opportunities for  West Virginia University  students.

His gift will support  Reynolds Hall, the new home of the  John Chambers College of Business and Economics scheduled for completion in April 2022, along with the  Morris L. Hayhurst LaunchLab and  Encova Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, both housed in the Chambers College Innovation Ecosystem.

October 2021 Department Digest and Awards

Our faculty and staff are always doing amazing things. View the latest Department Digest to see what they have been up to and catch what they’re saying in the media. 

Dean Josh Hall co-edited the book: " Off-Campus Study, Study Abroad, and Study Away in Economics Leaving the Blackboard Behind." This volume discusses diverse methodologies in economics education, focusing on experiential economic education away from campus through study abroad, study away, and other off-campus programs. These twenty-three chapters provide a ‘how-to’ guide for economic educators looking to expand their pedagogical repertoire, whether they want to take students to Ireland to study Adam Smith or South Africa to study poverty. Readers are provided with information about the economic content of the course as well as the nuts-and-bolts of on-the-ground experiences. Delivering a modern take on economic education, this volume is intended for economics educators wishing to engage students in new and creative ways.

Why Blake’s heart beats to the supply chain drum

Blake Vilga’s career path took an unexpected turn during his freshman year, when Susan Lantz’s introduction to business class brought in each Chambers College department head to talk about the available majors. 

“I knew I wanted to do business; I’m the son of a businessman,” Blake said, “but I wasn’t sure what avenue I wanted to pursue.”

Serving our Student Mission with Heart and Hustle

We were fortunate to not only not experience an enrollment decline this fall, but to have a record-breaking freshman class. 

The Recruitment team goes above and beyond to provide a personalized experience for our admitted students. Call and letter writing campaigns are completed with the purpose of a) assisting with the application process, b) answering any questions students and their parents may have, and c) making students feel special. Many other colleges do not employ the methods that we do. The feedback we receive routinely mentions the personalized experience as a reason for choosing Chambers and WVU. 

2022 West Virginia Business Hall of Fame nominations open until Dec. 3

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. - The nomination process for the 2022 West Virginia Business Hall of Fame is open until Dec. 3.

Sponsored annually by the West Virginia University John Chambers College of Business and Economics, the Business Hall of Fame is part of the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting and Business Summit to honor and recognize those with strong West Virginia ties who have made a significant impact on the business landscape. 

West Virginia University welcomes Knee Center for the Study of Occupational Licensing

Since its founding at Saint Francis University (SFU) in 2016, the Knee Center for the Study of Occupational Regulation (CSOR) has grown into one of the nation’s leading sources for thought leadership and research on how occupational licensing laws can create barriers to economic opportunity. 

The center, led by Dr. Ed Timmons, has provided a critical understanding of how occupational licensing laws have proliferated and how they have impacted individuals. As a result, municipal and state policymakers have begun to scrutinize and reform their regulations in order to remove barriers to work and empower entrepreneurship.

Pump the brakes: Rough roads reduce traffic speeds and safety, based on WVU research

I68 feature: New research based on transportation data by WVU economists Brad Humphreys and Alexander Cardazzi shows that rough roads reduce traffic speeds and safety. (WVU Photo/Jennifer Shephard)

Rough roads and decreasing pavement quality drive up vehicle crash rates and slow down average vehicle speeds, posing major concerns for motorists and highlighting the importance of public transportation spending,  West Virginia University economists have concluded.