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Let's Talk Business: Cultural Connections

Wherever you come from, the Chambers College has something for you.

As a graduate of West Virginia University, my undergraduate years were significant for my academic inclination, cultural exchange, and personal development. Pursuing good grades is not the only thing for me to aspire to: I also enjoy the cultural atmosphere that WVU has offered.

The environment at WVU, rich in resources and opportunities, enabled me to delve into various subjects with an open mind and a curious heart. The rigorous coursework and the high expectations of my professors pushed me to harness my potential and continuously challenge myself.

Beyond academics, my WVU college life includes cultural exchanges that I was a part of. Coming from China, I was eager to share my culture with my peers and faculty, while equally enthusiastic about learning from the diverse thinking patterns at WVU.

This two-way cultural communication was not just about sharing traditions and customs, but a deeper understanding of different cultures. My involvement in various campus activities allowed me to develop an appreciation for cultural diversity and fostered a sense of global citizenship. The reverence for cultural differences that WVU nurtured in me has been a guiding principle in my life, both within and outside the university community.

It was at WVU that I sharpened my abilities and achieved my highest GPA. At graduation, I received the honor of Outstanding Senior. It thrilled me that my efforts were recognized. What has proven even more valuable is that I have participated in important cultural exchanges that helped me a lot. They have equipped me to confront the world with confidence, knowledge, respect for diversity, and a passion to perform better.

My time at WVU was an important chapter in my life, and it has prepared me to go forward. I will take what I learned at WVU and an inclusive attitude into my master's degree. At graduation, all the graduates sang "Take Me Home, Country Roads" together, and Morgantown became my second home.

Photo of Ruoxuan Huang receiving her degree

Ruoxuan Huang
Chambers College alumna
Finance major

"Let's Talk Business" is a series of guest blogs written by members of the Chambers College community. All views expressed in this post are the author's own.

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