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Juracy Parente

Juracy Parente

Portrait of Juracy Parente

Associate Professor, São Paulo School of Business Administration

Over the last 30 years, Parente has been an Associate Professor in Marketing and Retailing at FGV-EAESP (Fundação Getulio Vargas – Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo) or the São Paulo School of Business Administration, São Paulo, Brazil, the leading business school in Brazil. While at FGV-EAESP, he was also the head of the Marketing Department and the founder of the school's Center for Excellence in Retail.

Parente is the author and co-organizer of five books about retailing, corporate responsibility and low income retailing, and of dozens of chapters in books and research papers presented in scientific conferences and published in academic business journals. His research interests are in retailing, areas of new store location, low income markets, consumer behavior and corporate social responsibility. He spent 15 years at Pao de Acucar Group, the largest Brazilian retailer, as an executive in the areas of marketing, merchandising and market research. He has also been a consultant for dozens of companies in the areas of retailing strategy, merchandising and executive training.

Parente holds an MBA from Cornell University and a Ph.D. from the University of London.

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