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March 2021 Department Digest and Awards

March 2021 Department Digest and Awards

The Chambers College team is doing big things, and we want to know about them! Share through this form to see them in a future edition of Let’s Talk Business and/or our other communications vehicles. Want to recognize your colleagues for their accomplishments? Click here .


Dr. Gulnara Zaynutidinova had two research papers accepted for publication in the same week in The Journal of Banking and Finance. This journal ranks (A+) in ABDC list, (A) in the ABS list, and is listed in the top 10 finance journals across the top finance departments.

"Stock-selection timing" can be downloaded from:

"Hazard Stocks" can be downloaded from:!

Dr. Alex Kurov’s research article "Index Options Trading Activity and Market Returns" (co-authored with Tarun Chordia, Dmitriy Muravyev and Avanidhar Subrahmanyam) was published in Management Science:


Dr. James Field, Assistant Professor of Management, and Min Geiger, PhD student in the Management Department, had their research paper accepted for publication in the Journal of International Business Studies, which is an A-plus journal in management. The title of their article is, “More alike than different: A comparison of variance explained by cross-cultural models.”


Marketing Professor Jody Crosno and Marketing Doctoral Student Yuerong "Cindy" Liu, and their co-authors Robert Dahlstrom (Miami University) and Pui, "Yoshi" Tong (Illinois State University) had their paper, "Effectiveness of Contracts in Marketing Exchange Relationships: A Meta-analytic Review ," accepted for publication in Industrial Marketing Management.

Congratulations to Marketing majors Marisa McCoy and Aiden Priest, who competed in the University of Toledo Invitational Sales Competition. McCoy and Priest competed against students from 33 universities. Marisa finished in second place (winning $750) and Aiden Priest was a winner in the social media competition. Professor David Brauer served as the coach.

WVU participated in a sales competition at Old Dominion University and our own Mitchell Sinicropi took first place. Special thanks to Suzanne Bal who served as the coach as well as the other WVU student participants: Blaine Scott, Zerinee Depina, and Campbell Gibbs.

Graduate Programs

On March 5 and 6, the Chambers College Online MBA and face-to-face MBA students participated in the second annual virtual residency, spearheaded and organized by OHMBA and MBA Programs Coordinator Dr. Jack Dorminey. This two day event was headlined by a series of expert speakers who engaged with all of the MBA and OHMBA participants.

Chambers College moved up to #21 this year in the US News non-MBA online business degrees category (up from an unconfirmed ranking of #26 last year). This ranking applies to our online programs of the MS Business Data Analytics, MS Business Cybersecurity Management and MS in Forensics and Fraud Examination. We now have three degrees in the Top 25, which is an incredible accomplishment for our College.

We are also ranked #12 in best non-MBA business degrees for veterans, a ranking that is also applicable to the BUDA, CYBR and FAFE degrees.

It is even more remarkable to indicate that we stayed exactly the same as last year in the online MBA, ranked at #45.

Chambers College