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January/ February 2022 Department Digest and Awards

January/ February 2022 Department Digest and Awards

Our faculty and staff are always doing amazing things. View the latest Department Digest to see what they have been up to and catch what they’re saying in the media


Dr. Xiaoxiao Hu, Associate Professor of Management, had her research paper accepted for publication in the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, which is a prestigious journal in the field. The title of her paper is: Fake it till you make it with your boss? Surface acting in interactions with leaders.

Visiting Committee 

Several were honored this month as Thinkers360's 'Top 50 Global Thought Leaders & Influencers on Supply Chain', which included Michael J. Stolarczyka Chambers College Visiting Committee member and a fantastic community mentor who has provided invaluable guidance to countless entrepreneurs. 
Chambers College