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Spring 2023 Department Digest and Awards

Our faculty and staff are always doing amazing things. View the latest Department Digest to see what they have been up to and catch what they’re saying in the media

West Virginia University Accounting Department has been approved and recognized as a Foundation Level Internal Audit program with the Institute of Internal Audit's Education Partnership Program. The recognition lets students know that our program has a strong curriculum, and we have partnerships with employers for job and internship opportunities. It also helps attract more employers that are looking for internal audit and accounting majors. Learn more

Meet Benjamin Craw

Benjamin Craw is originally from Champaign, Illinois, and received his undergraduate degree in business administration from Mississippi State University.

“I changed my major four times during undergrad and had three different internships that propelled me to choose to pursue my masters in human resources management,” said Craw. “Overall, I wanted to work with and support people while in a business environment, and HR provided me with that opportunity.

Meet Faith Figgins

Faith Figgins, an economics graduate from Martinsburg, WV, chose her major because she saw it as a well-rounded program and found that there are endless opportunities within the major.

“WVU offered the best opportunity to pursue whatever my heart desired,” said Figgins. “Within the economics program, the courses hone in on analytic and problem-solving skills applicable to the personal and professional world. The department is full of people who are eager to learn, and mentors that are knowledgeable and willing to guide you on your own path.”

Meet Selena Hayes

Chambers College MBA graduate and West Virginia native Selena Hayes also received her undergraduate degree in psychology from WVU.

“My employer of nearly 15 years closed their Morgantown facility in 2021, providing me with the perfect opportunity to further my education,” said Hayes. “I wanted a degree that would broaden my horizons and increase the availability of future career opportunities. The WVU MBA program checked all of those boxes while offering the convenience and flexibility of online coursework.

Meet Virginia Rose

Virginia Rose, a master’s of science in human resource management (MSHRM) grad from Berryville, Virginia, is now a two-time WVU graduate after earning her undergraduate degree in sport and exercise psychology in 2021. 

“I love WVU and I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else,” said Rose. “My program challenged me and showed me what I was capable of. Additionally, it made it really easy to make connections and expand my network.”

Meet Timothy Holt

Timothy Holt, a WV native residing in Atlanta, Georgia, received his nursing degree from Auburn University and his nurse practitioner doctorate from the University of Tennessee, but he wanted to continue his education through our Chambers College Healthcare MBA (HMBA) program.

“I read that the HMBA program was a new initiative and I wanted to be part of an initial cohort,” said Holt. “The Chambers College has a reputation of being student-friendly and I was looking for a professional program who treated their students more as peer professionals and embraced adult education versus a traditional student. 

Finding their purpose: Chambers College graduates prepared for future of work

On Saturday, December 17, the Chambers College welcomed 248 business graduates into our alumni family.

All of our graduates – 177 undergraduate students and 71 graduate students – joined together in the WVU Coliseum with family and friends at 2:00 p.m. to hear inspiring words from West Virginia University’s President E. Gordon Gee, as well as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Maryanne Reed.

Our Top 10 Moments of 2022

It was a milestone year that set the bar high for the future of business education as we brought our experiential learning mission to life in our new spaces, explored new research pursuits to solve global problems, and experienced increases in enrollment and student placement.

Here are a few of our most proudest moments:

Supporting the Alignment of Resources, Operational Support to Better Compete in a Transitioning Educational Market

Reynolds Hall is not just a new brick-and-mortar building: it creates new opportunities to evolve the way we work, learn, interact, collaborate and teach on campus.

These new dynamics will play out as we explore this advanced learning complex and take advantage of our new labs, building technologies and experiential learning spaces to achieve strategic outcomes. Our move came on the heels of the pandemic, which required us to deeply leverage technology to deliver courses remotely and interact and collaborate with students completely online.