Incompetent. Lazy. Crazy.
Summer 2022 Department Digest and Awards
Our faculty and staff are always doing amazing things. View the latest Department Digest to see what they have been up to and catch what they’re saying in the media.
Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship, Ryan Angus, had his research paper accepted for publication in Small Business Economics. The title of his paper is – "Distinguishing Unpredictability from Uncertainty in Entrepreneurial Action Theory.”
WVU students awarded Gilman Scholarships to pursue education abroad
Twelve West Virginia University students will expand their educational horizons this summer through study abroad programs provided by the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship.
Created and funded by the U.S. Department of State, the Gilman Scholarship is a competitive national award for undergraduate students interested in opportunities abroad. Since the scholarships inception in 2004, 88 WVU students have benefitted from the program.
Full-ride scholarships at WVU College of Applied Human Sciences, Chambers College aim to keep students in West Virginia
The Hayhurst family is renewing its commitment to keep West Virginia students in
the Mountain State with three gifts to support full-ride scholarships at
West Virginia University's
John Chambers College of Business and Economics and
the new College of Applied Human Sciences.
The family’s latest contributions – totaling $873,000 – support one new and two existing scholarships established to honor brothers Robert, Robin and Ronald Hayhurst and their shared passion for WVU.
WVU releases Dean’s, President’s and graduate lists for Spring 2022
West Virginia University has released its Spring 2022 Dean’s and President’s lists, as well as the full list of graduates for the spring semester.
Altogether, 6,008 students earned honors during the spring semester.
Pressures within supply chains paved the way to an oversupply of prescription opioids, WVU researcher finds
In today’s post-pandemic world, strained global supply chains have emerged as a new norm. But in the case of prescription opioids, namely oxycodone and hydrocodone in the early 2000s, that supply chain flowed freely without any kinks.
This is in part due to the influence of supplier pool pressure on pharmacy participation in oversupply, according to research conducted by Ednilson Bernardes, professor and program coordinator of global supply chain management at the West Virginia University John Chambers College of Business and Economics.
Industry trailblazer signs on to help launch WVU esports academic program
The foundation for West Virginia University’s academic esports program will be laid with help from a leader in the esports industry, David Chen, an entrepreneur with strong ties to the gaming industry.
Chen is tasked with developing the framework for the esports minor which begins in early 2023 with three core interdepartmental courses from the College of Applied Human Sciences and the John Chambers College of Business and Economics. Electives will be offered from those colleges along with the Reed College of Media.
WVU graduates encouraged to harness the power of hope, relationships for success
Messages of hope and thunderous applause resounded throughout the West Virginia University Coliseum and Canady Creative Arts Center as nearly 4,500 May 2022 graduates received their diplomas during 16 in-person commencement ceremonies filled with traditional pomp and circumstance May 13-15.
“College is never easy, but over the past two years, students everywhere have endured a unique journey unrelated to the usual hurdles of algebra equations and nerve-wracking exams,” WVU President Gordon Gee said. “Your resilience is awe-inspiring.”
Gee Mail: The season of outcomes, 2022 Commencement
After navigating an unsteady world of events, as many as 4,500 new graduates will walk the stage at West Virginia University’s 2022 Commencement, which returns to the WVU Coliseum and Canady Creative Arts Center following two years of pandemic-restructured ceremonies.
In the latest edition of Gee Mail, President Gordon Gee acknowledges the dedication and resilience of the Class of 2022 as graduates prepare for their next journeys.
A Step in a New Direction
On Saturday, May 14, more than 600 business students will once again link arms and sing Country Roads in the West Virginia University Coliseum, as they turn their tassels and become part of our alumni family.
Our Chambers College 2022 graduating class – composed of 498 undergraduate and 134 graduate students – has turned challenges into chances.