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September 2020 Department Digest and Awards

The Chambers College team is doing big things, and we want to know about them! Share through this form to see them in a future edition of Let’s Talk Business and/or our other communications vehicles. Want to recognize your colleagues for their accomplishments? Click here .

The Accounting department was informed by AACSB in May 2020 that the department has achieved accounting accreditation for five additional years.

The forensic accounting group conducted its first ever virtual residencies. Pitch-to-Prosecutor, Crime Scene Investigation - Financial, Interviewing for Deception and Moot Court were all conducted using virtual platforms. Moot court included 20 participating lawyers from Steptoe & Johnson, PLLC.

MAcc Coordinator Gary LeDonne, along with Accounting 200, 201, 202 TAPS Nancy Lynch and Cindy Dalton put together a teaching assistant program this summer to support large online sections of these courses. The participating MAcc students will help ensure that entry-level undergraduate students have high levels of support, quick feedback to questions and a more personalized experience.

Professors John Treu and Ji Woo Ryou had articles accepted in the Accounting Review this summer. Ji Woo Ryou also had an article accepted in the Journal of Corporate Finance.

The Board of Governors voted to accept the recommendations of the Graduate Councils for MS Forensic and Fraud Examination to continue with its current level of activity.

The American Accounting Association (AAA) recognized Lauren Cooper, D. Kip Holderness, Jr., Trevor L. Sorensen, and David A. Wood as the recipients of the 2020 Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award for their article "Robotic Process Automation in Public Accounting," published in the December 2019 issue.

Professor Christian Schaupp’s international efforts in the Honors Program continue to receive recognition. His proposal for the Virtual Exchange Faculty Grant has been accepted for his project utilizing global consulting projects with Münster University of Applied Sciences, Fulda University of Applied Sciences, and Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.

Chambers College team awarded Civilian Service Achievement from WV National Guard for forecasting West Virginia PPE needs through COVID-19

It did not take long for one of John Chambers College of Business and Economics’ newest programs to demonstrate its value in serving West Virginia University’s land-grant mission by stepping up to help the state in a time of critical need.

Data Driven WV launched just one year ago as the brainchild of Business Data Analytics students, faculty and alumni. It was operationalized by Dr. Brad Price, Dariane Drake and Katherine Kopp, who all connected with its mission of supporting the technology infrastructure and resources to provide Business Data Analytics students with the opportunity to apply their data analytic skills to real-world experiences.

West Virginia University’s Encova Center announces fall 2020 Grow with Google webinars as a resource for state businesses

West Virginia University’s John Chambers College of Business and Economics is offering the next series of Grow with Google webinars to the state business community from September through December 2020.

Hosted by the Encova Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, which is part of the Chambers College, the webinars are a key initiative of their Small Business Assistance Program, designed to help businesses in West Virginia through direct coaching, targeted trainings, and informing policymakers to support small business growth. The Center also helps to facilitate mutually beneficial partnerships between the College and West Virginia business owners through strategic business consulting.

WVU Chambers College to induct four into 10th class of Roll of Distinguished Alumni

A group of four West Virginia University John Chambers College of Business and Economics alumni who have trailblazed their way to success in the business world will join this year’s Roll of Distinguished Alumni.

This year’s class includes Tina Bigalke, chief diversity officer of PepsiCo; Glenn Carell, managing director of Global Trading Systems Designated Market Making Operations; Dan D’Arrigo, former executive vice president and chief financial officer of MGM Resorts; and Albert Lewis, owner and chairman of Glass Inc.

Diversity In Action: Dariane Drake

Dear Chambers College family:

In response to racial injustices that have led to the death of far too many in the Black community, the Chambers College Diversity, Inclusion, Culture, and Equity (DICE) committee has developed a list of actionable initiatives that we are moving forward to better our community. While the long-term list is growing as our learning expands around diversity and inclusion, the committee is actively working on the implementation of five initiatives during this academic year:

The Brief: Welcome Home, Business Students!

Even though the first day of class looked different this year, we stayed strong and made it through. Everyone at Chambers College is doing their part to keep you and your classmates safe, and we hope you are too.&

Now that you have been introduced to your classes (whether in-person or online), schedule time in your calendar to study and keep virtual event reminders on your phone so you never miss a beat.

The Brief: Tie Optional, Mask Mandatory

This year, WVU is hosting the virtual event series “Refresh” in replace of the traditional Welcome Week. 

Our Chambers College Dean, Javier Reyes, and Marketing Teaching Assistant and BCOR Professor, Dr. Susan Lantz, will welcome our incoming business freshman on Wednesday, August 19 at 3 – 4:00 p.m. If you’re a first-time freshman, register here. 

The Refresh Student Activities Series will also include virtual events ranging from Mountaineer’s Favorite Place on Campus, Online Group Fitness, Carruth Center Sessions (our University’s free mental health clinic), Adventure WV Explorations and more! 

Chambers Ambassadors 
Our Chambers Ambassadors are a select group of upperclassmen who embody both the spirit of a Mountaineer and a business student. 

Not only do these students know the in’s and out's of our campus, but they can also help you learn more about specific business majors, minors, student organizations, and College events. 

Peer Mentorship Program 
Our Peer Mentorship program is a new initiative this fall and is compiled of upperclassmen with a variety of majors. 

Chambers Peer Mentors are student leaders who assist first-semester freshmen with their transition to college life as a business student at WVU, by sharing their knowledge, skills and perspectives. Peer Mentors will attend BCOR 191 courses this semester and the students in their assigned section will be their mentees.

West Virginia University’s Center for Financial Literacy & Education Hosts 18th Annual Finance University Conference

This summer, West Virginia University’s Center for Financial Literacy & Education (CFLE) and Next Gen Personal Finance hosted the 18th Annual Finance University for primary and secondary educators throughout the state, as well as neighboring counties.

Finance U – a free professional development conference – is geared towards educators who focus on financial literacy topics in the subject areas of civics, business and math.